Javier Milei wants the people of Argentina to be free from the whims of central bankers and their partners who populate the global ruling class, and that makes him a problem to be dealt with.

To get a sense of the political and economic worldview of Javier Milei, start by learning that he named all of his five dogs after famous supply side economists, two of them being named Milton (for Milton Friedman) and Murray (for Murray Rothbard). Infuriated by their management of the Argentina Peso, Milei said he wants to “burn down the central bank,” and has spoken out against the power grab that is the climate hoax.

Milei is what the right leaning youths of America would describe as very “based.” He’s an avowed anarcho-capitalist, but with a more pragmatic approach to policy.

On Monday, Mr Milei delivered a shocking upset in the Argentina presidential primary vote, sending shockwaves across the world.

In the aftermath of the vote, Milei vowed to bring “an end to the parasitic, corrupt and useless political caste that exists in this country.”


Javier Milei by Ilan Berkenwald is licensed under Ilan Berkenwald
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